On a Walk
I try to get out for a walk every day. Unless it’s raining. Or some other form of wet and grey. I am like a plant that needs proper amounts of sun and time around other plants. Another thing about walking is the slow pace that allows for observation and experiencing everything around you. Aimlessly wandering is one of the best ways to connect with a place.
Many of my favorite walks are along the water, but I also love slowly walking through the quieter neighborhoods of Brooklyn. There is something so peaceful about tree and brownstone-lined streets where you’re not constantly dodging other people.
My micro-neighborhood is currently the home of a never-ending number of construction projects. If I am ever lost it is easy to navigate home by looking up and searching for the highest concentration of cranes. While part of me is grumpy about the construction, there is also something oddly beautiful about it.
Trees might be one of the most underappreciated residents of the city. Any time of year they have a unique way of living with us. In the winter without their leaves, they are a beacon of hope for spring to come. I can spend ages looking at the intricate patterns made by branches crisscrossing the sky.
I find it’s always easiest to find subjects in new places, but exploring home is exciting too. It helps me focus in on all the hidden beauty hidden around me. It’s also nice to have an activity to get myself outside. Spotting something new close to home is a special kind of thrill.
That is all for now and I hope to see you on my next walk!
Aaron 🤠